“Okay universe, you have my attention.”

How I learned to reparent myself for the sake of my children, the success of my business, and my health.

No one ever taught me about emotional regulation. Or how to hold a boundary. 

Or how to effectively manage my time, energy, feel a sense of fulfillment or the courage to be myself.

Everyday, I was robbing myself of joy. I was robbing my kids of joy by not being a present parent. I was robbing my loved ones of fulfilling relationships. I was living in survival mode and I couldn’t keep up.

Spinning my wheels almost killed me.

As the chemo dripped into my body, I realized that I needed to make some big changes. First, I needed to survive. Then, I wanted to feel alive.

Here’s how it all started…


Hi, I’m Heather.

I was dying to be a good mother. Literally.

I didn’t know what I wanted my life to look like, but I knew I couldn’t spend one more day like THIS.

Don’t make the same mistake I did. Don’t wait for an unexpected diagnosis to wake you before you start making changes in your life that you had put on the backburner.

You are WORTHY of feeling good, NOW.

Show up for yourself so you can start feeling and living better.

Connect with strategies, tools, and accountability that supports you in doing the work needed to align your life with how you want to live it.

Hey, mom - ya tired?

In my book, I dive into the challenges of being a working mom and proven strategies that help you overcome them, which I teach to my clients everyday. You’ll also get my accompanying, accountability workbook.

Let’s put life back on your to-do list.

Connect your clients and communities to strategies that encourage growth, alignment, and energy management so that instead of just surviving, they can begin thriving.