How To Support & Build Real

Connection with your Teen

In this course, you'll learn how to:

  • Better understand your teen's behaviors and patterns
  • Transition into your new role as a parent of a young adult
  • Regulate your emotions and confidently helping your teen do the same

How I help you get results:

A clear focused plan of action.

I help you get specific about your personal and professional goals and the action needed to make them your reality.

Accountability to DOING the work.

If you could do it alone, you’d be there by now. You’ll be assigned to an aligned mentor to help you with implementing the process on a weekly basis to reach your goals.

Strategy & Mindset Training.

This isn’t about putting more on your plate. We’re giving you the strategy, tools and training to do the work - take action - everyday so you can buy back your time and energy.

Support your teen in a way that makes you feel alive, not depleted.

Get on the waitlist for application details.

This is for you if...

You’re done with the parenting books, doctor’s appointments, and, well, the same shit that isn’t getting results.

You know it takes TWO of you to get somewhere and are willing to get uncomfortable doing the work to show up as the adult your teen needs.

You feel lost in what to do now to motivate your child for the future, and are dying to stop yelling and avoiding uncomfortable conversations.

Why I continue doing this work

How it Works

For you: work with me for 8-months

  • Learn how to understand your child/teen's behavior
  • Emotional regulation skills
  • How to manage the other aspects of your life so you can become the adult your teen needs

For your teen: work with Kristi for 90 days

  • 1:1 welcome call with Kristi for you and your teen
  • Weekly/monthly calls for your teen with Kristi
  • 90 days of support, community, accountability and education

Meet Heather & Kristi

Heather Chauvin is a Leadership Coach who helps ‘successful’ women courageously and authentically live, work, and parent on their own terms.

After stage 4 cancer in 2013, she had to figure out how to feel alive while building a business and raising 3 boys. That's when Energetic Time Management was born.

Her background in child development and Social Work has helped her deeply understand human behavior which has translated into helping women be seen, heard and understood at home and at work.

Heather is a TEDx Speaker, Author of Dying To Be A Good Mother, and host of a highly loved Podcast “Emotionally Uncomfortable” with almost 10 million downloads.


Kristi Simons is a wife and a mother of two. As a Certified Teacher, Holistic Health Coach, and Energy Healer she is deeply passionate about teaching TEENS methods to heal their body, mind, and soul.

Kristi loves sharing her gifts through various channels, including her podcast “Confident Teen,” her book “Body Bliss 2,” and her teen life and confidence coaching business, Teach With Love. 


Heather Chauvin

Kristi Simons


Frequently Asked Questions

How much time will this take?

Short answer: 20 minutes a day. 

That’s all it takes to start integrating what you learn in the first phase of my Mastery Coaching Program into your life (and start seeing results!).

The goal is in the first 30 days, we will help you create more time and energy so you can focus more on what you do want.

Like anything, the more you put in, the more you’ll get out.

The teen side of this program is 90 days. With just an hour of commitment per week, you and your teen will see the difference as they access the support they need to build their confidence and resilience in just 30 days.

What if my teen doesn’t get onboard?

Your teen probably won’t be super into it right away. That’s why we recommend joining the program and having them join the initial 1:1 with Kristi to open the space and walk them through expectations.

How will this help my teen with school and succeed in the future?

With graduation around the corner, a post-secondary journey to explore, and adulthood to navigate, confidence is key.

The support your teen will receive through this experience will help them get clear on their wants and needs, how to make smart decisions, develop their critical thinking skills, and move through the world with a greater sense of self (and willingly wanting to do the work to discover who they are in this world).

Your kid’s life has been 99% shaped by you and the classroom. To help them break free and find their purpose, they need guidance that encourages their exploration.

What if it doesn’t work?

The real question here is: do you trust the process?

Because, as much as you don’t want to agree with this, you can’t just throw money at the problem.

To get the results you want and live in alignment with how you want to feel, you have to DO the work - that means learning, absorbing, and implementing. 

You’re not a number here. You’re directly connected with an aligned mentor and one-on-one access to me so you can be held accountable to doing the work, imperfectly. 

Along the way, you’re getting the feedback, you AND your kid are building a community, and you’re actually getting out what you’re putting in. 

That’s why this process works.

If you don’t see results in 60 days, don't continue. Typically our programs are 8 months in length.

I can’t afford this investment/I don’t understand why this is so expensive.

Coaching costs money. 

As 80s and 90s kids, we were force fed a line that goes a little something like “money doesn’t grow on trees”. As a result, we have been leading lives with a scarcity mindset, always worried about spending, investing, or saving. 

There is this strange, core belief that so many women hold hostage that “if I invest in myself, I'm taking away from my family” or my favorite… “what if I don’t see results and I lose everything!” (also known as the bag lady syndrome - I’m serious, it’s a real thing, google it).

But, I get it…

You’re worried about spending unnecessarily (just add up Amazon and random ad purchases over the last 6-months).

You’re worried about making bad investments (yet, fork out thousands of dollars for activities your kids never commit to). What about health?

And you’re worried about having to touch your savings (which is ultimately for when your physical body finally succumbs to the overwhelm and stress of your life). 

Therapy. Self help books. Running. Literally anything to help you solve the problem but nothing is changing. 

So, if you’re done feeling like change is “really hard” and investing in things that aren’t getting you the results that you desire, let's have a conversation to see how we can help. Get on the waitlist today.