For women who want to feel successful both at home and in their work.
3 Main Reasons Why People Work With Me
YOU want to feel alive and aligned without always feeling burnout and resentful.
You want to be fulfilled in your work and relationships
You want to do more of what you want: travel, invest in your learning, connect with likeminded people
You want to live with purpose and reclaim your energy
YOU want to deepen the connection with your children and show up as the parent your child needs.
You want to build a deeper connection with your child/teen
You want to learn to regulate your emotions and teach your child as well
You want to understand what’s going on with your child/teen’s behavior
YOU want to succeed without sacrificing your energy and time with family.
You want to rewrite your money stories so you can build a profitable business
You want to stop doing soul sucking work and work with the right clients & team.
You want to offer the best services and continue to do the work you love
I help you create more time and energy so you can become the adult your children need.
This is the right fit if…
You live and think unconventionally
You enjoy learning and growing and know discomfort = new growth
You are desperate to feel
in control of your emotions
You are aware of how you may be sabotaging your success with poor (and even toxic) habits and behaviors and ready to break free once and for all
You want to be challenged
You know yelling, punishment and being resentful are not the ways to connect with your kids, partner and self
Within the first 30 Days…
You can expect to feel:
More connected to your partner, yourself and children
A renewed commitment to your purpose and career goals
Strategic momentum in feeling more alive and energized
More confident in holding boundaries and regulating your emotions
A sense of alignment between what you want and how to attract what you want (without the stress of doing it all perfectly).

How it Works:
Personalized Focus Plan
I help you get specific about your personal and professional goals and the action needed to make them your reality.
Stop dwelling on what you don’t want and how you currently feel
Get laser focused on your vision, how you want to make feel, and clarify your next actions
Accountability & Emotional Support
If you could do it alone, you’d be there by now. You’ll be assigned to an aligned mentor to help you with implementing the process on a weekly basis to reach your goals.
Stop self sabotaging every little thing because you think you have to do it alone or by thinking you can’t do it
Be supported by me and your mentor for consistent accountability (with a slight kick in the ass)
Strategy & Mindset Training
This isn’t about putting more on your plate. We’re giving you the strategy, tools and training to do the work - take action - everyday so you can buy back your time and energy.
Stop feeling isolated in interactions with your partner, kids, and employees and connect with women who are in it with you
Connect with the Mastery community to celebrate every win and the shit you could use a little more support with
This Is A Four Figure Investment
Coaching is an investment. It’s a high-touch, high-end experience and is NOT for people who are unwilling to get emotionally uncomfortable.
To create more time and energy in your life, you HAVE to be willing to do the work and that can start with just 10 minutes a day.
Not hours. Not driving back and forth to appointments.
Here you are buying back your time and energy so you CAN build a life that is in alignment with how you want to feel.
And if you’re not seeing results, you don’t have to stick around. 60 days is all I ask to start this process (90-days if you do our Business Building Program).

Now, let’s talk about all the things that might hold you back
Short answer: 20 minutes a day. That’s all it takes to start integrating what you learn in the first phase of my Mastery Coaching Program into your life (and start seeing results!).
The goal is in the first 30 days, we will help you create more time and energy so you can focus more on what you do want.
The answer is yes, if you work at it.
If you follow the process, you ask the questions, you show up, you commit one-hour a week, you will 100% see results.
But, no, you can’t just throw money at the problem. You have to put in the effort.
A lot of potential clients ask about the DIY side of personal development. I’m sure you’ve been doing the work - listening to my podcast, reading the books, going to therapy - but there is a very clear reason why you aren’t seeing results.
This program is about how personalized support helps you step into what you want and how you want to feel (.. in your parenting, relationships, body/mind/soul, work etc..)
That takes a professional focused plan, action and if you aren’t there yet, that’s why you need coaching.
Coaching costs money.
As 80s and 90s kids, we were force fed a line that goes a little something like “money doesn’t grow on trees”. As a result, we have been leading lives with a scarcity mindset, always worried about spending, investing, or saving.
There is this strange, core belief that so many women hold hostage that “if I invest in myself, I'm taking away from my family” or my favorite… “what if I don’t see results and I lose everything!” (also known as the bag lady syndrome - I’m serious, it’s a real thing, google it).
But, I get it…
You’re worried about spending unnecessarily (just add up Amazon and random ad purchases over the last 6-months).
You’re worried about making bad investments (yet, fork out thousands of dollars for activities your kids never commit to).
And you’re worried about having to touch your savings (which is ultimately for when your physical body finally succumbs to the overwhelm and stress of your life).
Therapy. Self help books. Running. Literally anything to help you solve the problem but nothing is changing.
So, if you’re done feeling like change is “really hard” and investing in things that aren’t getting you the results that you desire, applying for Mastery is a great place to start.
Here’s what you should actually be asking: do I trust the process?
And a follow-up: do I trust myself enough to try?
Trust is the root of this work. You have to trust in order to see change. You have to be willing to let go and free fall into what will come up for you in this process because it will be emotionally uncomfortable.
In Mastery, you’re forced to take action. Staying stagnant is only going to cost you money and worse your health and relatioships (either inside or outside the program).
We want to see you live in alignment with how you want to feel.
For you, that could mean:
• Parenting with confident and healthy communication
• Feeling seen and heard by others
• Making more money than you ever thought possible
• Having the time flexibility to pivot your days/week if needed
• Spending quality time with your family on your own terms
• Knowing how to emotionally regulate and not let the energy of others bring you down
You’re not a number here. You’re directly connected with an aligned mentor and one-on-one access to me so you can be held accountable to doing the work, imperfectly.
Along the way, you’re getting the feedback, you're building a community, and you’re actually getting out what you’re putting in. And that’s why Mastery works.
If you don’t see results in 60 days (90-day for our business program), you don’t need to continue. Typically our programs are 8 & 10 months in length.
When it comes to partners not approving or being skeptical about investing in coaching, it’s usually one of these four things that are happening:
A woman afraid to outgrow (or lose) her partner, so she doesn’t invest in her own growth, remaining ‘safe’ and comfortable. (I’ve personally experienced this one.)
A woman feeling trapped in an unhealthy relationship she may know she needs to leave but is afraid to do so.
A woman feeling trapped in a healthy-supportive relationship, but she won’t give herself permission to feel good because that would mean letting go of the identity she’s created for herself and not wanting to feel the fear and guilt required to grow.
A woman uncomfortable with having honest conversations with her caring and skeptical partner. This is where you learn to use your voice and be honest about the future you see for yourself, your relationship and your kids if change doesn’t happen. (I’ve personally experienced this one too.)
I always say this is when the magic happens and proof that how you feel and show up in your life influences your children’s behavior and their future, the happiness in your home environment, and the health of the family.
When you change, so does everyone around you. Don’t believe me? Listen to this husband's testimonial.
Here's a perspective shift: what are you already taking away from others because you carry the belief that investing in yourself is selfish?
How you show up at home, work and in how you communicate starts from the inside out - and often, you won’t be made aware how much you’re impacting the people around you until you get to the other side of the transformation.
And what does that look like?
Feeling proud of the work you’re putting in.
Feeling focused, energized, and open to the process.
I know that we live in a world of instant gratification and quick fixes.
So, if that’s what you’re looking for, this isn’t the place.
“Heather tells you what you need to hear, not always what you want to hear.”
I came to Heather mainly for business support. It’s really easy for me to blame my kids for why I don’t have time or why something isn’t working. Heather has a way of looking at my challenges and knowing exactly where to focus to get out of my own way as quickly as possible. This process has saved me so much time, energy and money and I’m happy to say I know how to sustainably grow my business while raising small kids.
- Lori Aikman
“Heather is a championship coach. She can see your potential before you can even see it yourself. “
“I feel in control of my life, making room for what truly matters. I now navigate decisions with confidence which has drastically improved my parenting, career, and marriage."
"I must be honest; as soon as my wife started, I thought, 'Oh, here we go again, another program we're never going to finish.' Heather's program has changed not only my life but also my children's and my wife's lives."

Heather Chauvin
Heather Chauvin is a Leadership Coach who helps ‘successful’ women courageously and authentically live, work, and parent on their own terms.
After stage 4 cancer in 2013, she had to figure out how to feel alive while building a business and raising 3 boys. That's when Energetic Time Management was born.
Her background in child development and Social Work has helped her deeply understand human behavior which has translated into helping women be seen, heard and understood at home and at work.
Heather is a TEDx Speaker, Author of Dying To Be A Good Mother, and host of a highly loved Podcast “Emotionally Uncomfortable” with almost 9 million downloads.
Heather Chauvin
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